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26 December 2006

The week gone by..

The past week had some interesting events, which are varied and exciting as well.
The one most exciting event is my ability to embed high-quality flash presentations into the web page that i am designing.And the ease with which i got it is truly remarkable!
Actually using a small software called "Flash Slide Show Maker", we can create flash presentations with background music, which plays whenever we open the webpage it is embedded into!!

Once the slide show is created, we can embed it using the tag:
embed src="filename.swf" height=a width= x..etc
where filename.swf is the file that is created using the flash slide show maker

I am sure this is the highlight of the week, but another event is that of the career development seminar held by NIIT on friday[22 dec 2006], which has been interesting and left me with somuch to learn...