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07 April 2012

A Narnian Morning!

This morning, after a walk, I watched Narnia(part1), that never stops amusing me! It takes us to another dream world that everyone can enjoy! For me, nothing can match watching a Narnia or a Lord of Rings or a Spiderman or an Avatar on a projector with 5000:1 contrast ratio with sony or a bose home theater system! That has been and remains one of the things I desire for!
Another movie that made my day was "superman returns" whose action scenes are incredible even after watching several times!

With love.. Anil

03 April 2012

Irritant Indian Railway website..

We all know how important it is to have a proper customer care.
But these days, having a fast and well-designed website is even more important!
If you look at the stat of the Indian railway website, it fails to handle the traffic during the evenings and we have to agonizingly wait for lots of time to book the tickets. And for some, this could be very crucial.
When the railway minister hiked the charges, we all hoped that he is being sincere and will improve the state of infrastructure of railways(and website is an important part of its infrastructure). But alas, again the ugly head of politics came into effect and most of the charges were brought down to the previous level. When a website so crucial like railways doesn't work well, all hell breaks loose. Its pathetic to say the least.
Being the taxpayers who pay towards the development of the nation, we expect certain level of service from the most popular forms of transport like railways, which is not to be. Another year goes by and the same thing will repeat again. Someone else comes, makes hay for his/her state in railways and dumps the quality aside. Until a huge reform is done, nothing is going to change. We will keep complaining, we fight a little and after a few days get used to the system....

.. Anil

01 April 2012

The comedy show!

Its been 3 days since the show and KBC's kannada version(kotyaadhipathi) has turned out to be a comedy show!
On one of the celebrity episode of the show, there was unlimited comedy that refues to be forgotten!
When actress Ramya kept using lifelines one after the other for a question on Ramayanam, it was funny to say the least for people with a good sense of humour and outrageous for others!
How can any Indian, especially a Hindu not know about the question of Ramyanam that goes like this?: "In Ramayanam, who convinced Kaikeyi to send Lord Rama to the forest?".
And her first option for an answer: Dashrath. Since she wasnt sure, she took the 50-50 and that option went off(Thank God, she used the lifeline!). But more comedy was in store: She took another life line(audience poll) to decide between the 2 remaining options: Bharath and Mandara. The audience gave 6% for Bharath and 94% for Mandara. And after all the drama she played out on screen, she was still not sure after the poll and was tense!
At the end of the question, it was the best comic experience to remember for a tv show! Did we remember the line "Beauty without brains??"! yeahh!!

With love.. Anil