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02 May 2014

Akshaya tritiiya: misconceptions and marketing

I know this article will ruffle some feathers, but its my view that everyone is given a right to express.
Ever since the medieval ages, there has never been a special festival called "Akshaya Tritiiya". On the FM Radio today, I heard something like: Whatever you buy today will increase/appreciate over time, so people buy gold! What a logic!
By their own above logic, anything bought today should increase: buy a phone worth 25k and its value will grow to 30K in a year, buy a cow today and it will become 2 cows next year, so on and so forth! But why do they insist upon buying only gold? Is it the most auspicious metal in the world or in the whole universe?
Whoever try to bring the religion into this festival is doing a big mistake. There was never a festival called "Akshaya Tritiiya".
A huge marketing cloud is being created every year to push gold down the people' throat. It never was a festival about gold at all, but rather an auspicious day to start any new work.
And who will be the ultimate winners? It is the jewelers who create an environment where anyone with gold is going to become legends and prosper forever. In fact the hype over this festival is nothing different from hype over a new iPhone or a new movie.
Yes, marketing tactics are not bad and in fact good for the economy, but creating a false link with religion is an absolute mockery of ethics. And people who fall into their trap will ultimately realize that its not what they imagined to be. Its not about gold but about starting any new work, whether it is a new business or a new job that would have been beneficial to the family and society at large. Pity them.

With love.. Anil

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