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25 March 2021

iPhones without adapters: A genuine concern for environment?

Ever since the iphone 12 came without a charger in the box, there has been a massive level of discussion among the users and critics alike as to the logic behind this and how effective is this in controlling e-waste, which is obviously one of the concerns going forward.
Lets analyze and think more about this:

apple iphone 12 without charger

The launch of iPhone 12 and Apple's claims:

apple iphone 12 without charger
The iPhone 12 was launched on 13th of October 2020 and as usual it brought with it a bunch of enhancements and hype and some flak as usual. Nothing new in that. But the biggest topic of discussion has been the lack of charging adapter. Apple says it has done away with the charger in the box to decrease the carbon footprint by a few million tonnes every year(they say it is equal to reducing over 2 million metric tonnes of carbon every year, according to their own studies). Fine, lets agree with the numbers for time being. Statistics might tell the same more or less. But is it enough to measure just how much cardboard apple packs its products with? Is iPhone all about the phone inside it and the cable it comes with? The answer is "No". Now for any new iphone

user, instead of using the charger with the latest technology if they have to contend with their several years old chargers, will they not order a charger seperately?
The impact of this is that people will end up buying a new charger which comes in a bigger packaging. So if you add up the packaging of iphone and that of the charger, it results in a bigger carbon footprint than the existing one. Let me explain it in further detail:
apple iphone 12 without charger

Will customers get stuck with their old inefficient chargers?

Lets assume that Apple believes that users will continue with their existing chargers. Even if they do stick around with the older chargers, their inefficiency(a significant percentage of the electric power ends up being wasted as heat) will mean more wastage of power and therefore more carbon footprint.
So either way, there is going to be higher impact on the environment if chargers werent given as part of the package.

Why other manufacturers followed suit?

Samsung, initially making fun of Apple's move has followed suit, which wasnt a big surprise since there is a business reason behind that.
What Apple and other smartphone makers who have followed it, have done is that they were offloading their packaging size to third party companies which make accessories. And it feels like a good business deal between them, since it will be a win-win situation, a symbiotic relationship if you could say that. The OEMs make more profits by lesser packaging costs, while the third party accessory-makers will jump up and lap up this new opportunity of higher demand for them.
Another reason could very well be the cost of including the 5G Radio components in their smartphones: It is clear that Apple(and even others by the way) has to reduce its costs by removing certain items from the packaging, and power adapter is the one that faced the axe in this case.
Initially most people thought xiaomi will also go the same way with no charger in the box, but it chose to be different by giving the users the option to include a superior charger in the box. More on this in the next section.

What could be the ideal solution?

Provide the customers with the latest chargers with higher efficiency: Gallium Nitride chargers, in the box.
Even if the phone companies sell the chargers separately, let those be efficient ones like Gallium Nitride ones instead of the same old type of chargers wheather they are normal slow chargers or superfast turbo chargers.
For example, xiaomi is giving a 55W GaN charger in most markets with its top of the line smartphone mi 11 which was launched this year(2021). This isnt to promote any particular company but to bring out the actual truth: Any claim from a profit-making company which claims to save environment by removing some of the items from the retail box is actually a smart tactic meant to mislead the public into believing that they are saving environment, but in fact they are contributing more and more towards environmental pollution or exploitation.

The Analogy:

What Apple did was something like the below:
There used to be a restaurant called "Apple: An Apple a day keeps hunger away" which is heavily popular in its area. One fine day, the restaurant claims to cut its carbon footprint by removing 10 menu items out of its 50. People praise it of being truly a green restaurant. But what this does is create an opportunity for other small restaurants and road side vendors and this lead to even higher pollution with more plastic waste for packaging and serving the removed menu items.

If the smart phone companies really care about environment, let there be no phone launches at all for a certain period! That would cut billions of tonnes of co2 or pollutants worldwide!


Irrespective of which company started off this trend of eliminating the charger from the box, the announcement should always be taken with deeper thought. Think before following any company's announcements. They are "smart" enough to decide where to make money, where to reduce costs and how to justify that with silly reasons.

With love.. Anil

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