Over the last few days, some interesting facts have been learnt regarding making a 3D video.
Let me tell you that creating the 3D effect is an art in itself.
Its not just enough to make a 3D movie by using stereoscopic camera and render it. You need to make sure that the audience feel the effect of 3 dimensional characters and environment.
And thats what was worked upon during the making of the "Anilmation-3D" video. When you watch a video, there are two things that effects your perception of the depth/3D:
1. Far away objects/environment.
2. Close by objects.
Its not as easy as you may think to create a good 3D effect all through the video.
As many of us know, to create a 3D movie, we need 2 cameras capturing the action from slightly different angles/positions.
To make close-by objects have the 3D effect, you need to decrease the coaxial seperation[one of the many attributes of a stereoscopic camera, which simply means the distance between the right camera and the left camera]
so for the close-up shot in the anilmation video where the letter "A" is shown, this distance was kept very low[approx. 0.3 units]
And in the same shot where the camera rotates and focuses on the other letters, the seperation has been increased slowly to a higher value as the main focus would be on farther objects[or letters]
In the case of the following shot where the camera runs through the tunnel, the sepeartion was kept to a much higher value, so that we can feel that the letters are coming closer and going farther. This is a challenge as we need to make sure we dont make a fuzzy video without clarity!
Overall, it does seem to be an exiting feature of Maya 2009 using which we can explore a whole new world of possiblilities in 3D movie making!
With love.. Anil