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Showing posts with label Holographic storage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holographic storage. Show all posts

28 April 2009

G.E.’s Breakthrough Can Put 100 DVDs on a Disc

General Electric logoJust came across a news that GE has created a new lab produst that can store 100s of DVDs on a normal size DVD using holographic storage technology.
As a new york times report says:
"In G.E.’s approach, the holograms are scattered across a disc in a way that is similar to the formats used in today’s CDs, conventional DVDs and Blu-ray discs. So a player that could read microholographic storage discs could also read CD, DVD and Blu-ray discs. But holographic discs, with the technology G.E. has attained, could hold 500 gigabytes of data. Blu-ray is available in 25-gigabyte and 50-gigabyte discs, and a standard DVD holds 5 gigabytes."

The first research papers were published in the early 1960s but no major company has produced a labs version of it yet..
Wonder where the levels of storage is going!!
More on this news here!

With love..