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Showing posts with label Wanda Vision. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wanda Vision. Show all posts

10 March 2021

Wanda Vision: A unique spectacle that drives MCU into a completely different direction!

MCU is taking a big turn. Yes. For those of you who know what MCU stands for and who has watched the just concluded "Disney+" series "Wanda Vision", it would be 
For those who dont, MCU stands for Marvel Cinematic Universe.
It is a dynamic content adapted from the Marvel Comic books and has a long drawn fictitious storyline with lots of thrills, comic references, twists, fun, tragedy, optimism, family-friendly content and variety.
You might think that to understand a movie set in MCU, you need to watch those that came before it, like for enjoying "Avengers Infinity War" movie to the fullest, you need to be aware of what happened to Iron Man, Captain America, and their team(s). But even those without a knowledge of MCU could actually like the just ended web series "Wanda Vision" purely based on the emotional aspect of it. It is basically a deep dive into the life of Wanda Maximoff after she loses her partner Vision, feels lonely and despair and creates her own small world within a real world town called "West View".

Without going deeper into the earlier events related to "Avengers Infinity War" and "Avengers Endgame", it would be fair to say that this web series stands on its own for a change. The same cannot be said about previous MCU content like Endgame or Infinity War or "Captain America Civil War"(The movie that made a big impact in MCU's future).

Wanda Maximoff goes through so much pain that her actions seem to be valid and understandable. She doesnt look like a villain despite keeping the residents of WestView as hostage within a space isolated by a strong virtual-energy-filled wall called "hex", named to simplify its appearance which looks like a honeycomb with lots of reddish hexagons joined together to block anyone coming from outside.

Though giving the complete review isnt possible to avoid spoilers, one can definitely say something on a wider perspective: MCU is taking a new direction with this series and there will be ramifications that will be felt in the upcoming movies and series, like the "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness" scheduled to hit theaters in 25 March 2022.

In short, this series is an exploration of Wanda's relationship and dynamics with her love: Vision and the outer world. Her kids: Billy and Tommy. Ultimately she had to sacrifice her reality to free the residents of WestView who, atleast 4000 of them were held captive inside the hex for several weeks. This is obviously not a positive sign for someone called an "avenger". So Wanda is moving further away from being an avenger and more of a magician.

With that being said, Wanda could be changing the way she handles grief when we look at the final end-credit sequence. She could be trying to learn more about herself and controlling her emotions and her attachment to her kids. This also sets up a promising duel with Doctor Strange, either as an ally or as a foe. Some of the actions of Wanda were definitely not nice and wise, and Doctor Strange will have many questions when he comes to know of this.

Instead of giving a "happily ever after" ending that most MCU blockbuster movies have, Wanda Vision has a mixed bitter-sad ending with many directions in which the story could go from there. Wanda could get wiser or get trapped in her emotions again in a different scenario.

With love.. Anil