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08 February 2021

Aakaashame Hadduraa (Soorarai pottru) : A roller coaster of a ride!

Going into this movie, I expected something similar to other biopics that have come off late:A failing protagonist, lots of challenges, wicked antagonists, gradual rise of the hero, and a big, nail biting finish where the hero succeeds.
Aakaashame Hadduraa (the Telugu dubbed version of Soorarai pottru) does this too, but in an extremely nuanced and wild manner, with lots of fictional elements added to real life incidents.
You may call it yet another biopic like movie with lots of exaggerations and masala elements, but the screenplay and handling of actors and situations was done extremely well. It never strayed away from the plotand everything came together in the end, though what happened in real life later was opposite(air deccan being bought away by kingfisher airlines and later closing the operations completely).
Watch it for surya's performance and the story and thrilling moments.

With love..

27 September 2019

Bolo: An insight into Google's learning app

There are a ton of apps these days to help kids learn something new. It could be a new language, it could be science, it could be history, or it could be about maths or to learn about something just out of curiosity.
But Google has done something that's an instant success and an evolving tool for not just kids but also adults to learn a language.
Initial reports in the media said that it is an app to learn reading Hindi, which is wrong. It is a multi lingual app and supports the below language/language-pairs as of today:
English only,

The first thing you notice about bolo is its user interface which is very simple and doesnt need too much of navigation. Just tap the story that you want to read/learn and it starts off sentence by sentence.
The screen scrolls automatically as the kid reads out the sentence appearing on the screen.
Another feature that is surely going to create interest among kids is the mini games that were included: simple games like pop the balloons, jumbled words and speed reading are available right now, but may get accompanied by many others soon.
Being an early access version, the app could have some bugs here and there, but so far during my 1 week of testing, I found none.

Important thing is if you kno how to read a language, even if you are an adult, you can get help from this app to improve your pronunciation in various languages, mainly Indian. for example, I can read Tamil apart from Telugu, English, Hindi and Kannada but to learn pronunciation in that language, this is going to definitely help me.
As the name itself suggests, it is meant to teach you how to speak a language and it is definitely worth trying it out.

With love.. Anil

30 August 2019

Custom Site for Share

Add Your Favorite Site To Share

This tutorial will explain you the steps to add your favorite website to the Share extension. We assume that you have successfully installed the Share Tools extension. If not, please install it from this link.
If you have installed it successfully, you can notice its icon on the toolbar as shown in the following screenshot:
To add your website, follow these steps:
  • Click on the extension icon, which should open its pop-up panel as shown above.
  • Now, click on the last (gear or wheel) icon.
  • This should launch the options panel of the extension, as shown in the following screenshot:
share tools options
  • From this options panel, you can set two options for the extension: change the default opening behaviour and add a custom website.
  • To add a new website or service, you must provide a valid template in the input box. You can find many valid templates on this page. Detailed list is available on this link.
  • For example, if you want to add Skype, you need to copy the line # 29 and paste in the input box. This would be:{url}
  • The extension supports only url and title parameters, so remove any other parameter present, like text in the above example.
  • After pasting the code, save the settings. Now, this added site would be available with the Share extension. 

With love.. Anil