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19 February 2014

Quality of Mobile services in India

Recently there has been a talk about mobile operators planning to hike the rates and the reason seems to be the hefty prices they seem to have coughed out for the bandwidth auction.
There is only one question I would like to ask: What are the benefits of buying more spectrum when the quality of calls cannot be improved.
I dont mind paying a little more for a better quality of calls and overall network, but increasing the prices doesnt make sense when they cannot live up to the expectations.
My recent trip to Vijayawada was one such experience which showed the weakness of mobile networks.
My phone remained isolated for a complete 1 week with no mobile network, no data connectivity and no reception of SMS either. When I try to send out an SMS, it remains in my outbox forever, despite momentary appearance of network signals.
1. Let there be a larger coverage area so that no one can complain about lack of network, especially in rural areas.
2. Let there be a consistent call quality, especially in the remote areas.
3. The ability of the network to get the call get connected is the first big hurdle which needs to be passed. Many times when I try to call someone, it never gets connected, despite the other person's phone being under coverage area.
If due to the present spectrum allocation if the call quality gets improved, it would be of immense pleasure to the millions of subscribers of the nation.

With love.. Anil

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