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12 March 2010
My animation#2 [IPL on SET MAX--Bowls you over!] !!
10 March 2010
First experience of creating animated movie!
With love..
05 March 2010
Story of a Tea Cup
"There was a time when I was just a dumb lump of red clay. Then one day my master came. He took me, brought me home, rolled and pounded me on a wooden table. Again and again, he poked his fingers into me until finally I yelled out: 'Don't do that! Leave me alone!' But he only smiled and gently said: "Not yet!"
Then, whoommmm! I was placed on a spinning wheel and suddenly spun around and around and around until I lost all my sense of direction: 'Stop it; don't you see that I'm getting sick? Quickly, take me from the spinning wheel!' But the master only nodded in understanding and quietly said: "Not yet!"
Then he placed me carefully into an oven. I never felt such heat. I yelled and knocked and pounded at the door: 'It is hotter than hell - I'm burning to ashes. Please get me out of here before it is too late.' I could only read his lips as he shook his head from side to side and silently pronounced, "Not yet!"
After I had cooled down he carefully picked me up, looked at me and brushed some dust away. Then he brought the colors! The fumes were horrible! 'Please... you have no mercy! Please, Stop it!' But he only shook his head and said: "Not yet!"
An hour or later he came back and placed a mirror before me and said: "Look at yourself!" And I did.What I saw amazed me. 'That's not me!' I said. 'It is too beautiful...' With a very compassionate voice he spoke: "This is what you are meant to be," and then he explained: "I know it hurt you when I rolled and kneaded you on the table. But if I had not gotten the air out of you, you would have broken. I knew you must have lost all your sense of orientation when I was spinning you. But without this you would never have come into this form. I know the fumes of the colors were intolerable when I painted you all over. But if I had not done that, you would not have had any color in your life."
God is the potter and we are the clay. He will mold us and will expose us to just enough pressures of just the right kinds that we will become a perfect piece of His liking.
04 March 2010
Beautiful Message..
Friends of Lord Krishna (FOLK)
ISKCON, Bangalore
Visit us at
Best Regards,
Anil []
03 March 2010
Don't Interrupt Others or Finish Their Sentences
Don't Interrupt Others or Finish Their Sentences
When you interrupt someone, or finish his or her sentence, you have to keep
track not only of your own thoughts but of those of the person you are
interrupting as well.
This tendency (which, by the way, is extremely common in busy people),
encourages both parties to speed up their speech and their thinking. This,
in turn, makes both people nervous, irritable, and annoyed. It is also the
cause of many arguments, because if there's one thing almost everyone
resents, it's someone who doesn't listen to what they are saying.
Once you begin noticing yourself interrupting other, you'll see that this
tendency is nothing more than an innocent habit that has become invisible to
you. This is good news because it means that all you really have to do is to
begin catching yourself when you forget. Remind yourself (before a
conversation begins, if possible) to be patient and wait. Tell yourself to
allow the other person to finish speaking before you take your turn.
You'll notice, right away, how much the interactions with the people in your
life will improve as a direct result of this simple act. The people you
communicate with will feel much more relaxed around you when they feel heard
and listened to. You'll also notice how much more relaxed you'll feel when
you stop interrupting others. Your heart and pulse rates will slow down, and
you'll begin to enjoy your conversations rather than rush through them.
This is an easy way to become a more relaxed and loving person.
Friends of Lord Krishna (FOLK)
ISKCON, Bangalore
Visit us at
02 March 2010
Develop Your Compassion
Compassion is the recognition that other people's problems, their pain and frustrations, are every bit as real as our own---often far worse. In recognizing this fact and trying to offer some assistance, we open our own hearts and greatly enhance our sense of gratitude.
Compassion is something you can develop with practice. It involves two things: intention and action. Intention simply means you remember to open your heart to others; you expand what and who matters, from yourself to other people. Action is simply the "what you do about it."
Compassion develops your sense of gratitude by taking your attention off all the little things that most of us have learned to take too seriously."
Best Regards,
Anil []
26 February 2010
19 February 2010
Wild Family "Cheetah Blood Brothers" on Nat Geo Wild---Amazing!!
The two cheetah brothers waiting in vain for their elder brother was particularly touching! Also the shot where the two brothers stay close while drinking water[so as to protect themselves from any attack] was superbly taken! Kudos to the makers for this amazing piece of documentary!! I strongly recommend this show, as well as the movie Duma [coming soon on WB and HBO] for those who love wild life films!!
With love..
18 February 2010
Check out Save Our Tigers | Join the Roar
16 February 2010
"Gulliver's Travels" now live in the Kindle Store!!
15 February 2010
An upgraded Sun Direct STB Software!!
It took just over 6 minutes to complete setup, showing statuses like 1, 2, 3,...and "f"[for finishing].
Once it started, it was a pleasant surprise as to how it looked!
Its something like the brand new bright blue hotmail compared to the previous windows 98 like boxy design!
Looks apart, there is a new feature which enables us to edit our favorite channel numbers individually while still watching the channel and sort them by name or by number. This is really handy which was missing in the previous software.
We can also see a small suggestion box at the top right when we type channel numbers, which makes it very easy to use.
One modified feature is that despite showing the help channel at startup, it remembers our previous channel which we were viewing before turning off the stb.
All we have to do is press the recall button after startup.
One thing that they can do well to improve connectivity with the consumers is the communication of any new channels or any info/latest offers through mail. This is very important especially when a new channel is added, when a recharge has been successfull, or a new add-on pack is added to your account.
This can keep us in a much better touch with sun direct. Hope IBM, [who handles the customer management services of sun direct] is listening.
Right now, we have to depend on the internet for latest news on sundirect.
Anyway the improvements are good. Sun direct probably has more business news channels in the basic pack than any other service[ndtv profit, utv bloomberg and ET Now], most number of movie channels in basic pack[utv action, utv movies, world movies and wb], the only service that provides a world class international news channel BBC World News in its basic pack, and the only HD DTH service in India as of 14 feb 2010.
12 February 2010
My first poetry book at Amazon!!
Link to the e book:
Hoping to publish many more books soon!!
With love..
à°®ొదటి à°ªుà°¸్తకం!!
03 May 2009
My Passion... Poetry
Below is one of my poems that came to me spontaneously on a gloomy morning the day after the deadly Mumbai Terror Attacks[Nov 26, 2008]. Not a drop of ink was used while penning this as I wrote everything in my mobile! Its smaller compared to others written by me, but the intensity if emotions involved in writing this makes it an important one. It expresses a hope that we will rise from the situation and ensure justice to every victim of this shameless act by the enemy across the border.
Saluting the army and police for their ultimate sacrifice during the Mumbai terror. We owe them a lot.
- Anil
30 April 2009
Wonderfull lyrics from Godavari!! Hats off to Veturi!
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28 April 2009
iPhone Nano & iPhone Shuffle!!..Crazzzy folks!
Below is the photo that they manufactured and a short description below:
The Authors of the post say:
iPhone Nano
iPhone Shuffle
Hahaha..Agreed that the iPhone do look cool, but it lacks basic features[No full bluetooth, no sms forwarding, no video recording, etc..]. Neither is it the first phone to have convergence of music, video n phone in one nor the first to have multi-touch screen. All the marketing gimmick can create a kind of hysteria that makes us believe any ordinary thing with some popular brand stuck on its face. Crazy people!!
G.E.’s Breakthrough Can Put 100 DVDs on a Disc
As a new york times report says:
The first research papers were published in the early 1960s but no major company has produced a labs version of it yet..
Wonder where the levels of storage is going!!
More on this news here!
With love..
26 April 2009
Amazing Portraits!!
25 April 2009
Have a look at my "Angels of Joy!!"
They have been with me through the ups and downs and always created a joy when the chips were down.
They have so much positive energy around them!! For instance, while talking on phone this morning, I happened to see one "angel" moving around gracefully near me! And that cheered me up!! A simple glimpse is enough to light up the mood!! So have a look of my all new space dedicated to them here..Just love them!!
With love..
24 April 2009
Brand called MTR-- Mavalli Tiffin Room!!
And the most interesting part is that I was not aware of its full name till I read the article in a magazine called "More"..!!!..It's Full name is "Mavalli Tiffin Room" which started off a s a small tiffin centre and now is a household name all over!!
Talking about brands, sometimes people go purely by brand name, which is not right. It has to come with that special mark, trust and class, just like MTR, Sony etc...[varies from person to person though!]
As always, With love..